Hi! I’m Anne, professional bird-artist and parrot-mum to Vonnegut and Schiele, two Indian Ringneck parrots with BIG personalities. In fact, in 2017 Vonnegut won the title of ‘Australia’s Greatest Pet’ and in 2019 he was animated in the Universal Pictures movie “The Secret Life of Pets 2.” We’ve also been featured on various other media platforms (click to view their stories):
A few years ago, I created a social media account for them (@facebeak on Instagram and @facebeaks on Facebook and @facebeak on Tiktok) that quickly grew to hundreds of thousands of combined followers. People from all over the world were amazed at how affectionate and trusting these birds were! However, as the followers grew, so did the direct messages and questions relating to parrot behaviour problems from bird-owners struggling with their relationship with their birds.
And I could sympathize. Parrots can be challenging pets to own! If they're not happy, everyone in the household suffers. And let me tell you there are no "noise cancelling" headphones that will block out an Indian Ringnecks screech! But the good news is Vonnegut and Schiele are living proof that all parrots can be delightful, easy pets to own; parrots that shower you with kisses each morning and squeal with delight when you blow raspberries on their tummy. I've been a parrot owner for over a decade now and in that time; I've studied, asked advice and experimented with Indian ringneck parrot training techniques. And now I am sharing what I've learned with you.
So if you are struggling with your relationship with your parrot or if you want to be the most incredible bird owner you can be, please don't hesitate to reach out. Vonnegut, Schiele and all of the other bird's I've known have taught me so much, and we would love to be able to help you to train your parrot.